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  • Writer's pictureScott Carr, Jr.

The Gospel of Jesus

The good news Jesus came to proclaim was freedom for prisoners, sight for the blind, freedom for the oppressed, and that God’s time of favor were all found in him. He proclaimed the good news by reading Scripture and interpreting those passages as pointing to Him. Yet He did not merely preach the good news. He lived it out by driving out demons, healed various illnesses including diseases like leprosy that made people unclean, forgave sings, made the lame walk, ate with “sinners”. Jesus did not only preach the Gospel, but brought it into people’s lives to meet their physical needs. He also called disciples to follow Him as witnesses to what He was doing. He still calls us to witness His work in the world, to proclaim what we have seen Him do, and be agents of bringing the Gospel to the real physical needs of real people around us.

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